paragon sports brand guidelines

Visual Identity/Brand Guidelines

I was told time and time again throughout my program at Champlain College that when I finally got my first design job, I was going to be provided with the brands visual identity and brand standards. When I first started working for Paragon Sports, I thought they were going to drop this giant book that was filled with templates and rules of how their brand was intended to be used. A playbook for designers that would have made my job incalculably easy. Needless to say, I quickly recognized this was not the case, and Paragon Sports had no discernible visual identity or brand guidelines and operated mainly off of memory. One of the first big projects assigned to me at Paragon was to create a "media kit" that would be sent out to prospective vendors to advertise their products that were available at Paragon. I took the opportunity to put their brand guidelines that was learning more of everyday into writing and create a system that could be used by the entire design and marketing teams to ensure that the brand is being consistently presented across a broad range of mediums.